As a stranger in a strange world where there are limitations, learn to unlearn your limitations. In this way, you'd access unlocked powers waiting for you. We're unnecessarily restricted by what we think we must do or can't do. You've got to create your own meaning in this world.
Everyone feels sad from time to time. When sad feelings linger for too long, they lead to depression. It often starts with thoughts which develop into feelings and action. It could become an illness, a medical condition when it is out of control.
Integrity is an aspect of moral character. It's important that you establish for yourself a clear code of ethics. We all face integrity-based choices on a regular basis. Choices require personal judgment. Although we know what's right and what's wrong, there are some situations where it's really difficult to figure out the right choice to make. A better guide to help you in situational choices is to examine how the choices you'd make affect your reputation.