Inside my memory - Projecting through time | GJEF Blog

Every moment we share together makes me feel that’s what we live to do. Sometimes we worry about tomorrow, as we’re afraid, it would spoil what we share today. We’re scared of what the outcome would be if a little error of tomorrow would erase this beautiful moment, explored today.

I do not want tomorrow. I want this day to remain exactly the way it is. What do we call tomorrow by the way? A memory we’re yet to experience. An error we’re afraid to make. Oh! tomorrow! Why do you give me a scare? Why do you get me so worried? I wish I can remember tomorrow just the way I remember yesterday. Tomorrow, you’re every second away; you’re every minute away; and every hour away… even, a day away. How can I make tomorrow a loop of today?

Oh, only inside my memory can this be! Everything is just possible inside my memory. Everything is alive in my memory. The past is much alive as well as today. But tomorrow is yet to be created. Inside my memory lies the possibilities wrapped in tomorrow. I could create tomorrow now. I can make tomorrow what I want it to be today. Tomorrow is the today I’d imagined yesterday. Oh! My worries are gradually fading away. I’m no more afraid. I’m confident that tomorrow would be better than today. My memory holds tomorrow’s possibilities.

I’ll always remember this:

Inside my memory lies the possibilities wrapped in tomorrow. I could create tomorrow now. I can make tomorrow what I want it to be today. Tomorrow is the today I’d imagined yesterday. _ Godfrey Jeremiah

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