GJEF Patreon
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GJEF Specials takes you on an enlightening and inspiring journey with information that would transform your life. We started as a tech-driven niche where we share instructional materials and provide tech solutions to our target audience.

But now, we do more. Apart from helping tech professionals and tech beginners with strategies on how to pivot in their careers, we share valuable content about humanity and technology, as well.

The Motivation

After publishing my first video and article on the topic, “A.I. vs Humanity: The Age of Machines”, I received a couple of requests to make more videos and to write more on that subject.

Since that moment, with an effect on that, I’ve been doing some technology research. And, what I found was amazingly surprising. It has led me to write primarily about technology and humanity, as a result.

In fact, everything that we are, or that we do, including our career, is moving toward a single direction.

For this reason, I am devoted to getting all our attention on that. It has dawned on me that we need to redefine humanity. More importantly, we need to ask ourselves certain questions repeatedly until we get the answers right.

In light of that, I have categorized these findings as “Beyond Imaginations” on my blog. Because they are beyond what we would ever imagine, normally.

Besides, my understanding of ancient and modern technology is getting fascinating by the day. Especially, seeing the enormous effects technology has on humanity.

In fact, as someone with a background in technology, my recent discoveries have become a very shocking experience. And, I am using every means necessary to connect with like minds in unfolding the mysteries that bind humanity and technology together.

This has become a journey for me, to continue digging down deep the rabbit hole as I get to disclose the facts, subsequently.

Special Note

“I am sharing enlightening and inspiring content on my blog, social media, and Youtube channel. These content are well researched and produced to literarily provide answers to some of the questions you may be asking.

My search for a more meaningful and fulfilling life has taken me to this point. You’d certainly find my content valuable and worth supporting as I would continue to invest in them.

GJEF Specials is my blog space where I share great content that can send ice through your veins. It is a journey and I would like for you to be part of GJEF Specials Patreon.

Thank you for stopping by my Patreon page.”

– Godfrey Jeremiah (a.k.a GJEF).

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