get hired

Surprising reasons why a candidate with zero experience was hired over a candidate with experience.

I had the privilege of interviewing a hiring manager after a candidate was taken for a role in the company he represents.

It’s a rare thing to get detailed feedback from recruiters about your job applications. They never tell you the exact reason why you’re not successful with your application.

So, I decided to dig in for an explanation.

On this account, a candidate with zero experience and no ‘tangible’ qualification was hired over the one with experience and good qualifications.

I wanted to understand what informed this decision.

I asked the hiring manager why.

HRM: “We hired the candidate because she expressed enthusiasm for growth. She showed a contagious passion and willingness to learn and to bring value to the company. Hence, we believe that she would make a great team.”

I asked further on the job description details, the expected requirements that they stated on the job adverts. The candidate’s resume/CV did not meet up to 10% of the metric.

What’s the purpose of a job description if you hire a candidate whose resume did not match up?

HRM: “Job description is only a model of what we expect from our ideal candidate. It’s not a major factor in our decision.”

Hints to get hired

These might be valuable hints to get hired for the job role(s) you’re applying for.

  1. You do not necessarily need to meet up with all the requirements displayed in a job description before you apply for the position. Job requirements are only expectations, not a reality.
  2. As well as it is important to have a qualification and some experience, be willing to show how much you’re willing to add value to the company you’re applying to. Be open to learning new ways of thinking.
  3. Be passionate about something. Your motive for applying for a job shouldn’t be about looking for a way to survive or to pay bills. Indicate and express how your abilities translate to your passion for something the company admires (or would consider a great value).
  4. Your attitudes matter. Nobody would need someone with bad attitudes as part of a team. As much as you try to show confidence, do not become arrogant. Be humble.
  5. Qualifications and experience are not enough to land you on your next job. You need more than that to succeed in your job applications. Learn a new approach or strategy in getting your desired job.
  6. Be open to connecting and communicating with other professionals or job seekers to learn new techniques. LinkedIn is a resourceful platform, to begin with.

You can add to the hints in the comment session.

Thanks for reading.

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